Thursday 16 February 2012



I' m feeling serious today so get ready for some deep thinking.

Occasionally, everyone hears a sexist, racist, or some-obscure-minority-ist comment.

What do you do? Silently bare it? Agree? Or speak out?

I chose the latter mostly which often results in a long argument about whether the comment was actually offensive, why it matters, who it's offending and why the hell I care.

After some discussion no-one really remembers the comment and no-one cares anymore so I either let it drop or the person mutters some form of apology.

But what is the difference between being offencive and stating an opinion?

For example someone may be sexist. And then someone else is anti-sexist.
Makes sense so far...

But what about the anti-anti-sexists? And the anti-anti-anti-sexists? How about the anti-anti-anti-anti-sexist groups?

When does it end?
And where is the line between stating an opinion and an offensive comment?

Let me know your thoughts below, I'd be interested to see who shares my views (and who thinks I'm an idiot for thinking such crap).

Kylee L
Dedicated anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-sexist


  1. I get what you're saying but i think it stops at anti-sexism coz an anti-anti-sexist is basically a sexist person. good point tho

  2. no its gotta stop at something-ism coza anti-something-ist is just a something person

  3. to sarah- that's not true, for example an anti-sizest person doesn't have to be one of the people who are being offended because of thier size
